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ZeoGas enters license agreement with ExxonMobil for methanol-to-gasoline technology

| By Mary Page Bailey

ZeoGas LLC (Houston;, a developer of natural gas-to-gasoline projects, has entered into a license agreement to use ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company’s (ExxonMobil) methanol-to-gasoline technology in the development of a natural gas-to-gasoline plant on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
ZeoGas is developing a portfolio of projects to convert natural gas to gasoline to take advantage of the abundant and relatively low cost of natural gas in North America. Coupled with the 5,000 tons-per-day of planned methanol production, ZeoGas will produce more than 16,000 barrels per day of ASTM-spec, 87-Octane gasoline with zero sulfur and about 50% less benzene than allowable standards.
“We are pleased with this milestone in our development. ExxonMobil’s proven methanol-to-gasoline technology is a critical element of our strategy to use only market-proven, production-scale component technologies, thereby eliminating the technology risk associated with many gas-to-liquids projects,” said Timothy D. Belton, founder and chief executive officer of ZeoGas.
ExxonMobil’s methanol-to-gasoline technology was first commercialized in 1985 by New Zealand Synfuels, a 14,500 barrel-per-day gas-to-gasoline plant in New Zealand. “Our methanol-to-gasoline technology is not only flexible and scalable, but it has also proven to be a reliable option for producing gasoline,” said Vince Alberico, manager of Technology Sales and Licensing at ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company.