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How to accelerate your digital transformation: Top 5 approaches to chemical organizations



With the fast pace of change after the COVID-19 pandemic, chemical companies need to be more agile and resilient than ever. Engineers must be able to develop new sustainable processes faster. The visibility of the value chain is critical to have agility in responding to market demands. Intelligent and efficient operations will ensure maximum uptime and profitability. And, finally, we need to empower our workforce to solve problems in creative and innovative ways.

Digital transformation is the answer, but fast implementation is not enough. There are many tools available today, and it can be challenging to select and implement technology. A digital transformation strategy must be carefully designed to ensure quick investment returns while reaching sustainability targets.

In this webinar, you will learn the top five approaches to accelerate your digital transformation journey to gain a competitive advantage:
• Engineer the digital plant of the future
• Value chain optimization
• Strategy for maximum uptime
• Workforce empowerment
• The intelligent chemical plant

Real-life Digitalization Experiences: Think Big, Prove Small, Scale Fast



With 40,000 professionals, across 60 countries, Wood Group is one of the world’s leading consulting and engineering companies operating across Energy and the Built Environment. Ben Hewitt is a key member of their management team responsible for defining best practices when it comes to implementing digital technologies that improve asset operations and reliability.

Bentley Systems is a leading software vendor of solutions that design, construct and operate the world’s infrastructure, including heavy industrial assets such as process plants and mines. Alistair Stubbs is responsible for the development of Asset Performance Management software and his mantra is helping users get maximum value from their data. His 30 year career has spanned two leading software organizations and Lloyd’s Register.

During this panel discussion both will address key questions regards how best to think about and deploy today’s digitalization technologies especially digital twins. The process industries have always been at the forefront of using computers and digital systems, and today there is great pressure to use the massive amounts of data and information coming in from these systems to transform operations, support remote working, and improve asset performance. These experts will share their experiences gained from years of deploying digital solutions and will provide guidance on how to implement digital twin technologies.

Achieving Repeatable Golden Batch Outcomes



Learn about automation solutions that can improve the Right First Time Metric. Learn how to consistently hit quality and production targets while ensuring a safe and reliable operation. These strategies will help minimize out-of-spec batches avoiding costly, time consuming rework or scrapping. Capture the highest possible margins in your batch operations.

Improve the Safety and Efficiency of Your Gas Distribution Systems



Do you rely on gas systems to operate your facilities? Have you struggled to address and avoid leaks in your systems while dealing with other day-to-day tasks? Are you concerned about safety hazards posed by gases flowing around your plant? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then be sure to register for this webinar on the common challenges with today’s industrial gas distribution systems.

Led by Karim Mahraz, Swagelok’s product manager for analytical instrumentation and custom solutions, this webinar will cover what a gas distribution system is, why to make such systems a priority, common challenges, the role of pressure regulators, and the benefits specific gas distribution system assemblies provide.

Differential Pressure Flowmeter Calibration – Best practices in the field


Join us as we partner with Chemical Engineering for a discussion about pressure. This interactive webinar will be focused on differential pressure (DP) flow measurement and best practices associated with it. Flow measurement systems can be critical to control processes’ efficiency and economic safety— especially when custody transfer and billing are involved. Therefore, periodic flowmeter calibrations to ensure accuracy can be crucial to the operation of many process plants and systems. Calibrating flow measurement systems in a flow laboratory can be logistically cumbersome and expensive. So, what do you do without a flow laboratory? What can you do in the field?

This webinar will answer these questions and focus on best practices to calibrate flowmeters in the field when calibration in a flow laboratory is not viable. A live demonstration of a DP flow transmitter calibration will also be shown, so if you are a calibration professional and want to make accurate flow measurements, register now!

Why is my powder flowing out of my hopper like a liquid?



Clients often come to us with questions like, “Why won’t my powder come out faster? I even tried speeding up the feeder!” or “Why is my powder flowing out of my hopper like a liquid?” Very frustrating!

These strange behaviors – problems with “not enough flow” when fine powders are rate-limited and won’t discharge any faster, or “way too much flow” when powders act like liquids and flood uncontrolled through the process – are all too common in processes across a variety of industries, including chemicals, cement, consumer products, food products, pharmaceutical production, powdered metals, and even in battery manufacturing.

At Jenike & Johanson, we refer to these behaviors of fine powders as “two-phase” flow interactions, where the two phases are (1) the powder and (2) interstitial air or gas. When not properly accounted for, two-phase flow interactions of powders can be highly problematic and result in product loss, quality control problems, process non-uniformity and segregation, decreased production rates, and significant safety and maintenance concerns.

Join Senior Project Engineer Josh Marion of Jenike & Johanson while he discusses why these fine powder flow problems occur, how they can be predicted, and how they can be prevented.

Reaching Resilience Through Digital Innovation



How has the current pandemic accelerated the rate of implementation of digitalization and technologies? For the past 15 months, both the power generation and chemical processing sectors were pushed toward a greater level of remote communications, remote monitoring, and increased pandemic-mitigation protocols. In this webinar, end-users will share their experiences with digital twins, remote operation centers, augmented reality systems, and other technology applications during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters will discuss how these digital technologies supported operations during the pandemic and how they might be used in the future.

From Standards to Innovations, Learn the DCS Trends of the Future


Many chemical processes can be complex and depend on the Distributed Control System (DCS) to prepare teams to adopt with confidence new innovations that will drive lower costs, while speeding the development and startup of new process areas or plants. The backbone of innovation are the supporting standards to ensure consistency and robustness of new solutions to age old challenges. To put this into perspective, we will start with a quick look back of how standards have influenced today’s DCS, and then we will focus on the standards being developed now such as Modular Type Package (MTP) and Power Over Ethernet (PoE) that will drive innovations to make the DCS even more nimble and easier to implement than it is today.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Technology for Flare Apps in the Chemical, Petrochemical & Refinery Industries


Since first developments of ultrasonic technology in the 1920s, it has continued to evolve and is now used for various applications, including measurement of flare gas flow. Join us in this webinar to learn trends and advantages to using ultrasonic technology for flare applications.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:
• A brief history of ultrasonic flow meters in flare applications
• Advantages to using ultrasonic meters for flare measurement
• What new technology is emerging in the market

The Case for Plant Modernization And Upgrades


If you’re in a system that’s outdated, you’re well aware of the risks of running your plant processes with aging hardware and software. Waiting to modernize will impact your cost of ownership due to shortages of critical parts, increase risk of an unplanned production shutdown and will have no incremental benefits.

A well-designed modernization approach will allow to reduce footprints and costs. Whether by eliminating unnecessary hardware, reducing wiring, or reducing project hours, these solutions all drive significant cost savings that add up to millions of dollars even on small projects.