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Vesa Erolainen appointed as Metso’s CIO

| By Gerald Ondrey

Vesa Erolainen (BSc Eng, MBA) has been appointed Metso Corp.’s (Helsinki, Finland; chief information officer (CIO), reporting to CFO Eeva Sipilä. Erolainen has a long and successful career within information technology, most recently serving as the CIO of Pöyry and before that in CIO and other IT Leadership positions in Myllykoski and UPM. Metso’s previous CIO Pirkka Penttinen is leaving Metso on his own initiative.

“I am delighted to welcome Vesa Erolainen to Metso. We have an exciting new phase starting in our IT development. We continue to develop our systems and internal capabilities to provide scale and efficiency for Metso while focusing on alignment with our business goals and specifically the successful implementation of Metso’s digital strategy,” states CFO Eeva Sipilä.

Vesa Erolainen’s start date at Metso will be agreed separately.