Kemira’s new N3 chlorate plant at Joutseno (Source: Valmet)
Valmet Oyj (Espoo, Finland; www.valmet.com) will supply an energy management solution to optimize production and energy consumption at Kemira Chemicals’ (Helsinki, Finland; www.kemira.com) bleaching chemical plants in Äetsä and Joutseno in Finland.
The order was included in Valmet’s orders received of the third quarter 2019. The value of the order is not disclosed. The solution will be delivered to the customer in November 2019 and commissioned in May 2020.
“The new solution will enable us to combine electricity purchasing and production planning in Äetsä and Joutseno. Thanks to the system’s calculation model, our plants will be able to optimize production at the right time, according to electricity price variations. We will gain significant electricity cost savings at an annual level,” says Ilkka Palsola, Project Manager at Kemira Chemicals.
“The solution is based on Valmet’s existing production optimization system developed for energy production plants. We are now applying it for the first time to the energy-intensive industry. The solution improves electricity purchasing and provides plants with a more active role in the electricity market, among others. This is an important step forward for Valmet as a supplier of intelligent energy solutions,” says Tiina Stenvik, Director, Performance Solutions, Valmet.