Coval Vacuum Technology
This company offers a new Wash Down range of suction cups and vacuum pumps (photo) that can be exposed to water and humidity and quickly dismounted, while still maintaining a high performance level. The various components of the Wash Down range, the Easy Clean vacuum pump and the associated suction cups, inserts and accessories tolerate splashing water spray and humid environments and can be used near food or pharmaceutical products. They are designed to favor smooth surfaces and retention-free areas in order to prevent any risk of contamination. As they are made of plastic and stainless-steel materials, the pump components contribute to preserving product hygiene. The nozzle profile of the mixer of the Easy Clean pump operates at a pressure of 4 bars, thus optimizing performance and increasing the efficiency of the suction flowrate. Its compact and lightweight design allows the pump to be installed as close as possible to the suction cups in order to improve production rates. — Coval Vacuum Technology, Inc., Raleigh, N.C.