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Use this Position Sensor in a Wide Range of Applications

| By Chemical Engineering

A new series of ¾-in. dia. hermetically sealed position sensors offer an infinite cycle life to serve as long-life replacements for failing potentiometers. It is suitable for a wide range of industrial position-measurement applications, such as machine-tool positioning, hydraulic-cylinder positioning, valve-position sensing and automatic assembly equipment. Offering a favorable ratio of a short sensor body length to sensor range, these sensors are ideal for long-stroke applications where sensor length needs to be essentially the same length as the stroke of the device. Available in standard ranges of 4 – 25 in., LP750 Series Linear Position Sensors (photo) are offered with a pre-calibrated loop-powered 4-20 input/output (Model LPIR) or a nominal 24Vd.c. input 0 to 10 Vd.c. output (Model LPER). In addition to high resolution, excellent repeatability and low hysteresis, these sensors have a maximum linearity error of ±0.25% of full-scale output. — Macro Sensors, Pennsauken, N.J.