The U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index (U.S. CPRI) rose by 0.2% in October, following flat growth in September and a 0.1% gain in August, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.;
The report notes that all regions posted growth in October with the exception of the Gulf Coast region.
When looking at chemical production by segment, the data are mixed, the ACC report notes. “There were gains in the three-month-moving-average (3MMA) output trend of consumer products, pharmaceuticals and inorganic (chlor-alkali, in particular), synthetic rubber and other specialties,” the report stated. Production declines were observed in organic chemicals, adhesives, fertilizers, coatings, pesticides, plastic resins and manufactured fibers, the report notes.
The ACC report also contains data on specialty chemical market volumes. On a 3MMA basis, the specialty chemical market volumes fell 0.1 in October, following a 0.3% gain in September. “Weakness in oilfield chemicals and other segments have weighed on overall volumes,” the report says. Of the 28 specialty chemical segments monitored by ACC, 16 expanded in October, 11 declined and one was flat, the report says.
Those segments experiencing large (1.0% or greater on a 3MMA basis) gains included cosmetic chemicals, flavors & fragrances, lubricant additives and rubber processing chemicals, ACC says.