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U.S. CPRI rises in November, ACC report says

| By Scott Jenkins

The U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index rose 0.7% in November, according to the latest Weekly Chemistry and Economic Report from the American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; The November gain follows a 0.6% gain in October.

“Chemical output remained ahead of month-ago levels in all regions,” the ACC report said. The chemical production by industry segment was mixed however, with the output of organic chemicals, plastic resins, certain inorganic chemicals, synthetic dyes and pigments, industrial gases, consumer products, pesticides, coatings, adhesives and pharmaceuticals all seeing gains. Chlor-alkali, fertilizers and synthetic fibers all saw declines, the report says.

Chemical production across all regions was 4.6% ahead of November 2013, the report adds.

Meanwhile, specialty chemical market volumes also continued to gain at a strong pace, according to the ACC report, with a 0.6% rise in November. There were also gains in October and September. Of the 28 specialty chemical market segments monitored by ACC, 23 saw gains in November, the report says. The largest gains (1.0% and greater) were seen in the following segments: antioxidants, biocides, catalysts, coatings, flame retardants, food additives, lubricant additives and water management chemicals.