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Two chemicals-related ASTM committees merge

| By Scott Jenkins

Last week, ASTM International (West Conshohocken, Pa.; Committee E15 on Industrial and Specialty Chemicals voted to merge into ASTM Committee D16 on Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals.
“Merging these two important committees will help consolidate chemical industry expertise in standards development, providing a one-stop shop for many stakeholders worldwide who use these crucial standards,” said Daniel Smith, vice president of technical committee operations. “It will also help reduce the potential for duplicative standards work while reducing travel and meeting expenses for our members.”
The two committees had been operating with similar strategies and guidelines for many years.  A task group comprised of members of both committees researched the feasibility of a merger. This included a survey of members in both committees that showed strong support for the action.
Preceding yesterday’s vote, the potential merger was approved by the ASTM International Board of Directors in April.
Committee E15’s standards will now be merged into Committee D16, and E15 will be formally dissolved.  Committee D16 will meet next on Feb. 1-2, 2017, in Norfolk, Va.