Enclosed in a sturdy aluminum case, VibGuard portable is ideal for vibration experts to conduct short-term analyses and diagnoses with a high-end measurement device. The combination of VibGuard and mobility enables users to optimally conduct targeted troubleshooting even on machines that are critical for production and have highly dynamic processes. At the core of the portable equipment is the proven VibGuard online monitoring system, which continually and simultaneously records machine signals on 20 measuring channels. All VibGuard components are built into a case and are ready to use. Thanks to its optimal heat dissipation, VibGuard portable (protection class IP 64) is suited for a wide temperature range and weighs as little as 11 to 14 kg depending on the configuration. — Prüftechnik Condition Monitoring, Ismaning, Germany
Troubleshooting out-of-the-box
| By Chemical Engineering