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Trelleborg Group to construct new production plant in North Carolina

| By Mary Bailey

Trelleborg Group AB (Trelleborg, Sweden) has decided to invest in a new production facility to expand its business for engineered coated fabrics in Rutherfordton, North Carolina. The establishment will primarily aim to strengthen Trelleborg’s leading positions in aircraft escape slides, water infrastructure, and advanced materials for healthcare and outdoor products.

“The investment creates opportunities for continued growth in our globally leading business in engineered coated fabrics, which is part of the Trelleborg Industrial Solutions business area. Through this expansion, we are adding new technology, production and development capacity in a state-of-the-art facility, strengthening our role as a long-term partner to our customers,” says Peter Nilsson, President and CEO of Trelleborg Group.

The new building will be LEED-certified, and operations will be carbon-neutral. The investment also enables increased use of bio-based polymers and recycled raw materials. In total, Trelleborg is investing more than SEK 300 million in the expanded facility. Groundbreaking is scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year, with production starting in early 2026.

Trelleborg has industry-leading expertise in engineered coated fabrics. With global testing capabilities and a portfolio that includes the most comprehensive range of fabrics and coatings, Trelleborg develops fabrics with unique properties tailored for demanding applications.