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TPC Group expands polyisobutylene capacity

| By Mary Page Bailey

TPC Group (Houston;, a provider of C4-based products and services, announced the progress of its comprehensive expansion program to increase polyisobutylene capacity. In early 2013 TPC embarked on an expansion effort to both debottleneck existing capacity and build additional capacity to meet the current and future needs of our customers. Since commencing engineering work, TPC has increased polyisobutylene capacity by more than 10 percent versus 2012, and expects to add capacity in 2014 as further improvements are made. This debottlenecking effort is targeted to supply the current and near term needs of our customers in the lubricant additives, sealants, adhesives and industrial lubricants markets.
In parallel with expanding current capacity, a project to install a third production unit has progressed in its design. This project is targeted to satisfy expected future market growth, including that resulting from anticipated changes in lubricating oil standards, which will phase in during the next three years. These higher standards are driving increased use of highly reactive polyisobutylene, which TPC Group manufactures using a proprietary process.
TPC Group first entered the polyisobutylene market in May 2000 with the startup of its patented process to produce a wide range of polyisobutylene products. Since that time, the business has grown significantly through multiple expansions to become the largest producer in North America. TPC supplies the market from its Houston production facility as well as product terminals in Houston and Chicago.