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Tosoh announces PVC capacity expansion in the Philippines

| By Mary Bailey

Philippine Resins Industries, Inc. (PRII), a subsidiary of Tosoh Group (Tokyo, Japan;, headquartered in Makati City, the Philippines, is preparing to increase its polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production capacity. PRII plans to begin the construction of additional PVC manufacturing facilities in February 2017 at a cost of ¥4.2 billion. Upon completion in December 2018, the new facilities are expected to add 110,000 metric tons per year (m.t./yr), thereby doubling PRII’s PVC production capacity. Commercial operations are to start in January 2019 and to contribute to establishing a stable supply of PVC to meet growing demand in the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia.

Strong infrastructure investment in the Philippines, primarily in water and sewer systems, is propelling demand in the country for PVC. Demand is particularly robust for PVC pipe and other building materials and is expected to remain so. The Philippines market suffers from a shortage of PVC production capacity. And PRII’s doubled capacity will position it to help overcome that shortage and to meet expanding market demand. PRII’s heightened PVC production capacity will also enable the Tosoh Group to respond to rapidly increasing demand for PVC products throughout Asia and will improve the profitability of Tosoh’s vinyl chain business.