The FFB-8 is a precision fluidized bath with exceptional stability and uniformity for temperature sensor calibration and heat-treatment processes. It offers a built-in dust extraction and collection system, as well as a wide operating range (122–1,292°F) and PID (proportional integral, derivative) temperature control. The model FFB-8 employs the principle of fluidization of a mass of finely divided particles to provide a safe, essentially isothermal environment with a high rate of heat transfer. The unit is non-abrasive to any devices or parts put into the bath, including highly polished equipment. The FFB-8 is a safer and cleaner alternative to conventional liquid systems and volatile salt baths, as well as being a more efficient with a fast recovery time after the bath is quenched. This unit is suitable for many applications, including thermal testing of sensitive components such as semiconductor devices, wire products, delicate transducers and may also be used as a constant-temperature environment for chemical reactions. — Omega Engineering Inc., Stamford, Conn.