The ZSK MEGAvolume Plus twin-screw extruder, featuring 54-mm-dia. screws, has been custom made by this company for a new production line for the food industry that was recently commercialized by Dinnissen B.V. (Sevenum, The Netherlands). Tradenamed Magi-N.ext, the new production line permits the production of a wide range of preserved and healthy convenience foods. The starch components of different recipes are gelatinized by means of an extrusion cooking process in which the shearing action of the twin screws rapidly causes the temperature of the mixture to rise to 100°C. In conjuction with the water from the content in the product, the native raw starch is gelatinized. A degassing step removes a large portion of the moisture via a vacuum system, creating directly expanded, easily manageable products obtained at the pelletizing stage by a centric pelletizer, ZGF 70. — Coperion GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany