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These vapor-degreaser solvents are safer and greener

| By Chemical Engineering

Precision-V cleaners (photo, p. 32D-3) for vapor degreasing are powerful, leave no residue, evaporate quickly and are non-flammable with no flash-point. They are designed for the removal of oils, greases, silicones and other common industrial contaminants. Electronics, optics, and metal parts are quickly and thoroughly cleaned, eliminating the need for further rinsing. Precision-V is non-ozone depleting, making it an ideal replacement for cleaners containing Freon, HFC-141b or AK225. Exposure to Precision-V solvents is less hazardous than with many other solvents commonly used in vapor-degreasers. The Precision-V Vapor-Degreaser Parts Cleaner and Flux Remover have azeotropic properties that allow them to maintain stablity as they are cycled in a vapor-degreaser. They are not reactive nor corrosive to metals commonly found in the construction of vapor-degreasers. — Techspray, Amarillo, Tex.