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Tatneft to construct n-butane processing plant

| By Mary Bailey

Tatneft (Almetyevsk, Republic of Tartarstan, Russia) has announced that its project for the construction of an n-butane processing unit and associated off-site facilities (UPMA) at the Minnibayevo gas processing plant has gone through the state examination procedure and obtained a construction permit.

The installation design documentation was tested by the FAU “Glavgosexpertiza” in August 2020, which ended with a positive conclusion.

PJSC Tatneft received a permit for the construction of the UPMA facility from the Executive Committee of the Almetyevsk Municipal District on September 28, 2020.

The construction of a normal butane processing unit with a capacity of 50,000 metric tons per year (m.t./yr) is one of the stages of the Company’s Minnibayevo Gas Processing Plant modernization providing for the creation of up to 116 new jobs. The site for the construction of the installation with an area of ​​7 hectares was an empty territory within the boundaries of the operating enterprise.

The commissioning of the unit is scheduled for 2023.