On January 8, Sulzer Ltd. (Winterthur, Switzerland; www.sulzer.com) agreed to acquire the business of InterWeld Inc. Ltd. (Belfast, Northern Ireland), a specialized weld overlay company, offering corrosion and erosion solutions to the power industry, particularly power generation, the oil-and-gas and pulp-and-paper industries. With a global client base, a skilled team provides cladding solutions to high-value industries in a wide range of challenging environments, such as the sub sea oil-and-gas, petrochemical, waste-to-energy, biomass and pulp-and-paper mills. It will clearly enhance Chemtech’s offering of welding solutions that are designed to enhance the lifespan of critical components within the power industry, reducing downtime, lowering maintenance costs and improving revenue streams.
The integration will start after closing, which is expected beginning of 2015. All employees will be retained, assuring ongoing customer dedication in the weld overlay marketplace.