Delhi Jal Board, the authority in charge of water management in New Delhi, has awarded SUEZ (Paris; the contract to build and operate a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 564,000 m3/day at Okhla, South of New Delhi, for a value of €145 million.
The contract provides for a three-and-a-half-year design and construction phase of the plant, followed by an eleven-year operation and maintenance phase. The new plant will replace the old Okhla wastewater treatment plant and will be the largest of its kind in India. This contract is part of the Yamuna Action Plan III (YAP-III) to restore water quality for the heavily polluted Yamuna River, the main water resource for the capital. The project is funded 81% by Central Government and 19% by Delhi Government.
SUEZ will equip the plant with state-of-the-art wastewater treatment technologies to restore optimum water quality to the Yamuna river, in compliance with the latest national standards, requiring a total Nitrogen content of less than 10 mg/l. The processes deployed by the Group (Digelis Duo2™, Drainis Turbo™) will also significantly reduce the volume of the sewage sludge produced and facilitate their recovery into fertilizer for local agriculture and energy. The production of electricity from sludge recovery will thus cover 50% of the plant’s needs.
“For more than 30 years, SUEZ has been supporting large municipalities such as New Delhi, Bangalore and Calcutta, in the development of innovative solutions to preserve water resources, a growing challenge in a country facing rapid population growth and urbanization. We are proud of the renewed trust of the Delhi Jal Board, enabling us to build and operate this plant, that will be the largest wastewater treatment plant in India. This project allows us to combine technical expertise and customer orientation. It is a concrete example of our shared commitment, with the Delhi Jal Board, to provide quality drinking water and wastewater services to the inhabitants, and to preserve the environment,” said Ana Giros Calpe , SEVP Group-International (AMEI/Asia/Australia), Consulting, Indus. Key Accounts.