INVISTA Performance Technologies (IPT; Shanghai, China; and China Prosperity (Jiangyin) Petrochemical Company Limited (also referred to as Hanbang Petrochemical) announced successful start-up of China Prosperity’s second PTA (purified terephthalic acid) line. On-spec product was achieved within 24 hours of the March 14 start-up, the company said.
China Prosperity’s second PTA line incorporates INVISTA’s E2R, Solvent Interchange and R2R technologies, further enhancing the competitiveness of the technology in terms of capital productivity, variable cost and environmental performance. The Solvent Interchange technology, which has inherently low capital cost, has been successfully deployed with additional advantages achieved through the use of locally manufactured rotary pressure filters.
China Prosperity continues to operate another INVISTA PTA line on the same site and is constructing a polyester resin plant utilizing INVISTA technology.
INVISTA’s latest PTA technology is available as a license package from INVISTA Performance Technologies.