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Solvay and United Chemical considering construction of hydrogen peroxide plant in Kazakhstan

| By Mary Bailey

Solvay SA (Brussels, Belgium; and United Chemical Company LLP (UCC) have jointly started to examine the construction of new hydrogen peroxide capacity to supply hydrogen peroxide primarily to address the needs of Kazakh companies and customers in other Central Asian countries.

Based on results of the feasibility study, a decision will be taken on the construction in Kazakhstan of a hydrogen peroxide plant using Solvay technology, in particular the technology that Solvay has recently developed for on-site H2O2 plants  (myH2O2 concept).

Solvay’s myH2O2 Satellite Peroxide production units’ unique performance for safe, reliable and competitive operation originates from multiple patented innovations in process intensification and in compact, skid-mounted design. Solvay’s innovative myH2O2 technology is particularly suitable for large remote consumers of hydrogen peroxide.