PipePatrol (photo) is a comprehensive suite of software modules for long- or short-distance single and multiproduct pipelines for oil, gas, water or chemicals, offering monitoring and protection of pipelines in all operating conditions. PipePatrol can be supplied in various configurations: eight modules cover leak detection, theft detection, stress monitoring, line-break detection, tightness monitoring, batch tracking, pump monitoring and predictive modeling. To match the application, the modules can be used standalone or individually combined, and optionally complemented by a wide range of instrumentation, cybersecurity and field-data-acquisition systems. The leak detection module uses the PipePatrol E-RTTM (extended realtime transient model) for leak detection and localization for liquids and gases. The predictive modeling module forecasts pipeline operation (for example, looking at the next 24 hours) and identifies possible threats, such as shortage in supply or pressure violations. Its offline simulation then can be used to find corrective measures, as well as for planning of optimized operation in the future. — Krohne, Inc., Peabody, Mass.