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Focus – Software

| By Suzanne Shelley

Manage chemical inventories using this software tool

1Biovia CISPro is a comprehensive chemical-inventory-management system that provides cross-referenced information about a broad array of chemicals, with details about physical characteristics, hazards, structure and more (photo). The information can easily be accessed from computers and mobile devices. The system can be used to track chemical containers from receipt to disposal, throughout a multi-facility operation. The framework can be customized to meet the organization’s specific processes and workflows, and it can be configured by the site or by the business unit, while maintaining a central global database for all locations. Biovia CISPro is installed on the corporate server within the firewall, and it offers highly configurable security parameters that allow the facility to add or delete roles and permission levels and implement new security requirements at any time. This ensures end-to-end internal data security and control, says the company. — Biovia Corporate Americas (formerly Accelrys), San Diego, Calif.