Badger Meter
SEVA electric valve actuators (photo) feature a microprocessor-controlled linear stepper motor to provide accuracy and repeatability. Built to withstand extreme conditions, two SEVA models are available, the SEVA-100 and SEVA-200, which provide torque for this company’s control valves in sizes from¼ to 2 in. The actuators have options for EtherNet/IP and ModBus TCP IP/RTU protocols and are certified by the Open DeviceNet Vendors Association. They also feature four positions when there is a loss of signal: fully closed, fully open, hold position or set value. Both the full-closed and full-open positions are defined during setup, and in the event of loss of power, there are five available positions: continue operation, fully closed, fully open, hold position or set value, plus a manual override capability. — Badger Meter, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.