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Hybrid 3-D-printing process optimizes performance, cost for aerospace parts

Alcoa Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; has developed a hybrid technique, called Ampliforge (diagram), that combines additive manufacturing (3-D printing) and advanced forging techniques to improve the performance and reduce the cost of metal aerospace components. The company has produced prototype…

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This electrochemical cell sequesters CO2 and generates electricity

Researchers from Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y.; have developed an oxygen-assisted, Al/CO2 electrochemical cell that converts CO2 into a useful product while producing electricity. This represents a possible paradigm shift from most current carbon-capture models, says Lynden Archer, the James…

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Chementator Briefs

Modified yeast Researchers at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI; Emeryville, Calif.; have developed a genetically engineered strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is capable of utilizing both glucose (a six-carbon sugar), and xylose (a five-carbon sugar) when presented with plant…

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CO2-free ethanol production from lignocellulose

The research group of professor Shiro Saka at the Dept. of Socio-Environmental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan; has developed a new process that efficiently produces bioethanol from non-edible lignocellulose resources, without generating carbon…

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Highly selective rare-earth separation using bacteria filters

Mixtures of rare-earth metals (REMs) are notoriously difficult to separate, but a team of researchers from Harvard University (Cambridge, Ma.; has developed a method for efficiently extracting REMs with a high level of selectivity. By taking advantage of the…

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This paper has antibacterial activity

The main mineral component of our bones and teeth — hydroxyapatite [HAP; Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6] — has been used by a Chinese team to develop a highly flexible paper with high antibacterial activity. The paper, made from silver nanoparticle-decorated ultra-long HAP nanowires…

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Pilot trials completed for a new substitute-natural-gas process

Last month, Clariant AG (Muttenz, Switzerland; said that the pilot plant of a new process for making substitute natural gas (SNG) has been successfully tested, signifying that the technology is ready for commercial application. The process, called Vesta Once-through…

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Dow validates recyclable polyethylene packaging that performs as barrier

The Dow Chemical Co. (Midland, Mich.; recently announced that it has completed validation of a new plastic film technology that can be recycled in existing processes for flexible polyethylene (PE) packaging, but that also performs well as an oxygen…

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Converting PE waste into liquid fuels and waxes

Each year, a large amount of plastic waste is generated, with 60% of the total plastic content of municipal solid waste composed of high-, low- and linear-low density polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Existing methods for degrading…

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H2S scrubbing process regenerates reagent, produces sulfur

An innovative H2S-scrubbing process employs iron particles to catalyze reactions that convert H2S to elemental sulfur. The new approach improves upon traditional H2S-scrubbing processes that constantly consume reagents (like NaOH and bleach) and generate sulfate-laden wastewater that must be treated.…