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Dow validates recyclable polyethylene packaging that performs as barrier

The Dow Chemical Co. (Midland, Mich.; recently announced that it has completed validation of a new plastic film technology that can be recycled in existing processes for flexible polyethylene (PE) packaging, but that also performs well as an oxygen…

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Converting PE waste into liquid fuels and waxes

Each year, a large amount of plastic waste is generated, with 60% of the total plastic content of municipal solid waste composed of high-, low- and linear-low density polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Existing methods for degrading…

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H2S scrubbing process regenerates reagent, produces sulfur

An innovative H2S-scrubbing process employs iron particles to catalyze reactions that convert H2S to elemental sulfur. The new approach improves upon traditional H2S-scrubbing processes that constantly consume reagents (like NaOH and bleach) and generate sulfate-laden wastewater that must be treated.…

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Janus cube: A new, economical way to synthesize ‘two-faced’ organosilicons

Professor Masafumi Unno and colleagues at Gunma University (Kiryu City, Japan; have developed a simple method for the synthesis of “Janus cubes,” which are nano-sized organosilicons with two different substituents (diagram). These nanoparticles — named after the two-faced Roman…

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Scaleup for a new P-recovery process

Last month, AVA-CO2 AG (Zug, Switzerland; started up a pilot plant to further develop its AVA cleanphos process. The process recovers valuable phosphorus from “biocoal,” which is being produced from municipal wastewater sewage sludge through the company’s patented hydrothermal…

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Chementator Briefs

Making more ARA Arcadia Biosciences Inc. (Davis, Calif.; and Dupont Pioneer (Des Moines, Iowa; recently completed field-trial validation for new safflower plants that produce high levels of arachidonic acid (ARA) oil, a high-value, specialty nutritional oil. The field…

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P-recovery process to be demonstrated

By the end of this year, a demonstration plant will start up in the U.S. that uses an electrochemical process to recover phosphorus from wastewater, producing a fertilizer as struvite (NH4MgPO4·6H2O). Although the location and capacity of the plant has…

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High-performance composite based on biomass

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a versatile biopolymer, but its applications are somewhat limited due to its brittleness. Now, an alternative bio-based composite material has been developed that overcomes this limitation. Developed by the industry-university consortium of Hitachi Zosen Corp. (HITZ;…

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Selective conversion of plastics to waxes

A proprietary technology and patented process from GreenMantra Technologies (Brantford, Ont., Canada; that produces synthetic waxes from underutilized plastic recycling streams, including films and bags, has reached commercialization. The company’s first industrial-scale manufacturing plant started up in May, and…

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A 3-D printed polymer with enzymes turns methane to methanol

Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL; Livermore, Calif.; have combined biology and 3-D printing to create the first reactor that can continuously produce methanol from methane at room temperature and pressure. The team removed enzymes from methanotrophs —…