A large renewable hydrogen production facility, called the Murchison House Station, near the coastal town of Kalbarri, has been unveiled for Western Australia, with plans for up to 5 GW of a combined solar and wind project. The project has…
Hydrogen derived from water and renewable electricity, rather than from natural gas, could offer abundant energy without carbon dioxide emissions if water-splitting processes could be scaled up effectively. But the best catalyst for the reaction — platinum — is scarce…
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are widely used in wastewater treatment plants because they intensify the biotreatment process, reduce the number of processing stages, retain the biocatalyst and help remove the product from the suspended solids. In order to take advantage of…
A team of scientists in Kentucky are working to harness the unique material properties of diamonds — hardness, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity and more — for advanced industrial applications, including biosensors and high-frequency and high-power devices. Kentucky Advanced Materials Manufacturing…
Adipate diesters are building blocks of polyamides and polyesters, and are used in plasticizers, perfumes, lubricants, solvents, various pharmaceutical active ingredients and, in terms of quantity, mainly for the production of nylon. Currently, adipate diesters are produced industrially by oxidizing…
Ultrathin membrane Researchers led by professors Hideto Matsuyama and Tomohisa Yoshioka at Kobe University’s Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology (Japan; www.research.kobe-u.ac.jp) have developed an ultrathin, fouling-resistant membrane that separates oil from water. Described in a recent issue of…
Level measurement technologies have become more versatile, robust and accurate thanks to recent developments. Differential pressure and radar level measurement provide examples Level measurement applications within the chemical and petrochemical industries can be extremely challenging. Level instruments must provide repeatable,…
Industrial internet of things (IIoT) technologies support online, continuous condition monitoring for pumps Because pumps are often critical to process operation and safety, condition monitoring for pumps has long been a respected practice in the chemical process industries (CPI). However,…
While no company wants to envision becoming the victim of a cyberattack, investing time upfront to craft an incident-response plan can provide a quicker path to recovery Cyberattacks are becoming a way of life — in both our personal, and…
All critical infrastructure segments are at risk for cyberattacks, but the unique integration of the chemical manufacturing sector into the global supply chain makes it an especially ripe target Defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), critical infrastructure…