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ACC urges G20 leaders to take collaborative on products needed for COVID-19

American Chemistry Council (ACC; Washington, D.C.; president and CEO Chris Jahn made a statement this morning aimed G20 leaders who are participating a virtual summit on coronavirus pandemic response. Jahn says: “U.S. chemicals manufacturers are calling for G20 leaders…

Nacero selects Topsoe’s TIGAS technology for $3-billion natural gas-to-gasoline plant

Nacero Inc. (Houston; has signed agreements with Haldor Topsoe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; for basic engineering and license for a planned natural-gas-to-gasoline facility in Casa Grande, Arizona, with a capacity of 35,000 barrels-per-day (bbl/d) of finished gasoline. Pending final…

Air Products to supply oxy-fuel combustion technology to Techpack Solutions in South Korea

Air Products (Lehigh Valley, Pa.; has signed a new contract for its integrated oxy-fuel combustion solution with Techpack Solutions, the largest packaging materials manufacturer in South Korea. It is Air Products’ third project to support Techpack Solutions to convert…

Alfa Laval wins equipment-supply contract for biorefinery in Sweden

Alfa Laval (Lund, Sweden; has won an order from energy company St1 (Helsinki, Finland; for a process line to be installed in a new biorefinery in Sweden. The order has a value of approximately SEK 60 million (around…

Mitsui Chemicals expands production of meltblown nonwoven materials

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (MCI; Tokyo; has expanded its production facilities for meltblown nonwovens at its wholly owned subsidiary Sunrex Industry Co., Ltd. The move comes as an effort to respond to growing demand for industrial-use meltblown nonwovens, and will…

MOL Group shifts production at windshield washer fluid facility to hand and surface sanitizers

MOL (Budapest, Hungary; has started production of hand and surface sanitizers to offer protection against the coronavirus. Both products have been in short supply in Hungary. Lubricants producer and MOL Group member MOL Lub Ltd. has shifted production of…

Germany’s Large Plant Manufacturers hold their own in a difficult environment

The new orders booked by the members of the VDMA Large Industrial Plant Manufacturers‘ Group group (AGAB; Frankfurt am Main; Germany; in 2019 were stable at the previous year's level of €18.3 billion. This means that the companies were…

CPI companies step up production of crucial supplies to fight coronavirus outbreak

In response to the COVID-19 crisis affecting the globe, companies of the chemical process industries (CPI) are adjusting their production slates to meet growing demand for not only sanitizing and disinfection agents, but also critical personal protective equipment (PPE), such…

Milliken & Co. to raise production capacity for antimicrobial fabrics

Milliken & Co. (Spartanburg, S.C.; has increased domestic production of its BioSmart fabric, which enables practical integration of anti-microbial protection into the most common medical products like scrubs, lab coats and privacy curtains. In light of the current critical…

Falck Renewables and Eni execute strategic agreement for U.S. renewable-energy projects

Falck Renewables S.p.A. (Milan; Italy; and Eni S.p.A. (Rome, Italy; have completed the strategic agreement for the joint development of renewable-energy projects in the United States, which was first announced on December 20, 2019. The agreement involves the…