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Plant Watch: March 2024

Plant Watch Petrobras to build ‘green’ hydrogen pilot plant with Senai ISI-ER February 12, 2024 — Petrobras (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; entered into a cooperation agreement with Instituto Senai de Energias Renováveis to build a pilot electrolysis plant to…

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A new project targeting emissions-free pulping

The Emission Free Pulping program aims to significantly reduce biomass burning and increase the product yield of wood material used for pulping from approximately 50 to around 70%. The five-year, €15-million program is jointly led by VTT Technical Research Centre…

Clutch breaks for inclined conveyor applications

Posidyne X-Class clutch brakes (photo) are suitable for incline conveyor applications because they provide precise positioning each cycle. They act as a holding brake so that materials never slide backward on the incline. The clutch brakes feature Oil Shear Technology,…

Big-bag discharge station with dust-free docking station

The Big-Bag Unloader (BBU; photo) features a new, dust-free docking station. Included as standard equipment on the bulk-bag unloader, the new docking station features a proprietary design with integrated inner ring, outlet spout and cover that establish a sealed connection…

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New Heat Exchangers Improve Performance and Sustainability

Improvements in energy efficiency, reliability and operational boundaries reduce emissions and cut costs Due to a demand to increase margins and meet sustainability and decarbonization targets, today’s chemical processors are seeking ways to improve energy efficiency and reliability while also…

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Harvesting water and minerals from waste slurries with supercritical water oxidation

A wastewater treatment plant operated by Orange County (Calif.) Sanitation District is the site of the first installment, at a commercial facility, of a new supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) technology capable of producing clean water and minerals from waste slurries.…

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Bacteria engineered to produce spider silk in plastic ‘microbial upcycling’ project

Spider silk protein generates significant development interest due to its unique combination of properties, including high toughness and strength, extensibility, biocompatibility, thermal stability and others. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI; Troy, N.Y.; have developed what is said to…

This twin-screw feeder delivers precise batch size and weight

The Model TSF twin-screw feeder (photo) is designed for precise batching and weighing applications. The feeder’s dual-helix design combines fast, high-volume filling with accurate dribble flow at the end of the cycle. Its compact design is ideal when limited space…

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Biomanufacturing process minimizes CO2 loss in fermentation

Fermentation processes provide essential pathways for many chemicals, but are often hampered by high costs and low yields due to CO2 losses. To overcome these concerns, ZymoChem (San Leandro, Calif.; has developed the patented Carbon Conservation fermentation technology. “Typically,…

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Upcycling polyethylene into thermoplastic polyurethane

A first-of-its-kind plastics-recycling technology is being demonstrated in a new pilot plant in India. Novoloop (Menlo Park, Calif.;, in partnership with Aether Industries (Gujarat, India;, is developing an integrated pilot plant to scale up Novoloop’s Lifecycling technology, which…