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Optimized Mixing

Improved equipment and controls, as well as continuous mixing, improve efficiency Optimization is imperative for today’s chemical processors who strive to remain competitive by providing higher quality products at lower costs in a more timely fashion. And mixing operations are…

Member Exclusive

Facts at your Fingertips: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique used to elucidate molecular structure and help identity unknown compounds. It is a powerful research tool used for quality control, reaction monitoring, purity analysis and other functions. Nuclear spin The…

Focus on Analyzers

Raman spectroscopy capability with bioreactor platforms BioPAT Spectro (photo) is a Quality by Design (QbD) tool for use with this company’s ambr automated micro and mini bioreactor systems and with Biostat STR single-use production bioreactors. The new tool offers access…

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Technology Profile: Production Process for Neopentyl Glycol

This column is based on “Neopentyl Glycol Production Process – Cost Analysis,” a report published by Intratec. It can be found at: Neopentyl glycol (NPG; 2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diol) is an industrially important and versatile diol, mainly employed as a building block…

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Principles of Agglomeration: Pelletizing Processes

Pelletizing, a tumble-growth agglomeration process, offers many potential benefits to processors handling bulk solid materials. This article provides an overview of how agglomerate pelletizing works and the important elements that must be considered Pelletizing, a form of agglomeration (particle size…

High-Purity Water Simplified

There are a number of process technologies available to meet the strict standards for high-purity water in different industrial sectors It is easy to think that the water coming out of our faucets can be used anywhere. Although potable water…

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Improving Bulk-Solids Conveyor Maintenance

Designing easier access to mechanical components in solids-conveying systems reduces maintenance costs and improves safety Virtually every vehicle on the road today is designed with an engine hood that can be easily opened for access to the engine, so mechanics…

Show Preview – Interphex 2020

Interphex 2020, originally scheduled for April 28–30, has been postponed to July 15–17. Taking place at the Javits Center in New York City, the biopharmaceuticals-focused event offers a full technical conference with dedicated session tracks covering compliance, inspection, automation and…

Show Preview-IFAT

IFAT (rescheduled for September 7–11, Munich, Germany; is the world’s leading tradefair for water, sewage, waste- and raw-materials management. More than 3,000 exhibitors are expected to participate, presenting the latest products and services spanning the environmental sector, from sewage-treatment…

Detection Systems for Reducing the Risk of Hydrogen Fires

Today’s detection equipment can provide early sensing of H2 gas and flames, provide alarm information to a fire- and gas-safety system controller to initiate mitigating measures, and integrate with process control to further minimize H2-fire risk Hydrogen is the most…