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Chementator Briefs

‘Green’ steelmaking Seamlessly following the successful completion of the GrInHy project (Green Industrial Hydrogen via reversible high-temperature electrolysis) in February, the GrInHy2.0 project was launched last month at the Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH steelworks (Germany; Together with partners Sunfire GmbH…

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This P-recovery process is market-ready

At PowTech 2019 this month (Nuremberg, Germany), Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH (Weimar, Germany; introduced a waste-free process that recycles the phosphorus from sewage-sludge ash to produce ready-to-use, high-quality fertilizers. The market-ready process fulfills the legal obligation of the German fertilizer…

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Mechanochemistry performs cross-coupling reactions

Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions are one of the most powerful and versatile methods to synthesize a wide range of complex functionalized molecules. However, the development of solid-state cross-coupling reactions remains extremely limited. Now, Hajime Itoh, Koji Kubota and colleagues at Hokkaido…

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CO2 scrubber supplies raw material for oxalic acid production

A novel carbon-capture project at Michigan Technical University (MTU; Houghton, Mich.; couples the collection of carbon dioxide from power-plant fluegas with a system to use the captured CO2 as a raw material to make oxalic acid, which can be…

A new membrane for forward osmosis

Many desalination technologies have been developed, but they usually require a large amount of energy. Forward osmosis (FO) has the potential to become an excellent alternative desalination technology due to its lower energy consumption. Nano structured materials have also attracted…

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Nanostructured catalyst converts CO2 to ethanol electrochemically

Reducing carbon dioxide to useful fuel molecules is a highly desired objective, but is difficult because the required reactions are energetically unfavorable, and a cost-effective and robust catalyst for the reduction has been elusive. Now researchers at Oak Ridge National…

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A new catalyst for making renewable feedstocks

The compound 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) is an attractive raw material that can be used to create polyethylene furanoate, which is a bio-polyester with many applications. One way of making FDCA is through the oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF), a compound…

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Zeolite membranes to undergo large-scale testing for CO2 capture

In late February, construction began on a test facility that will be used to demonstrate a CO2-capture process being developed by JGC Corp. (Yokohama, Japan; and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. (JOGMEC; Tokyo; When the Texas-based…

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A new, more comprehensive electronegativity scale

The electronegativity of atoms is one of the most well-known parameters for explaining why chemical reactions occur. Now, Martin Rahm, assistant professor of physical chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden;, has redefined the concept with a new,…

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Chementator Briefs

ANG fueling station Ingevity (North Charleston, S.C.; has completed construction of a fueling station for low-pressure adsorbed natural gas (ANG) at its headquarters in North Charleston, S.C. The fueling station will supply natural gas to ANG bi-fuel vehicles outfitted…