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This mobile drum dumper has a safety cage

A new mobile TIP-TITE Drum Dumper with safety cage (photo) allows hands-free, automated dumping of bulk solid materials from 30- to 55-gal (115- to 200-L) drums throughout the plant, with no dusting or danger associated with sudden shifting of contents.…

Introducing a new range of bellows seal valves

This company has expanded its product line to include a range of bellows seal valves, including the BSA (photo) and A3S isolation valves. These valves are engineered to maintain plant safety and save energy by totally eliminating stem seal leaks,…

New controllers for radar transmitters

The new Sitrans LT500 level, flow and pump controllers (photo) are suitable for radar and ultrasonic transmitters or any other two-wire 4–20-mA devices. From basic level control to complex pumping routines, these instruments deliver the accuracy and reliability demanded by…

Monitor and configure networks intuitively with these switches

IT specialists rarely perform the implementation, commissioning and maintenance of Ethernet installations, so this company is introducing its Lean-Managed Switches (photo) for secure and robust network installations, as well as for ensuring high availability and security. The new switches are…

New mill-discharge pumps for efficient slurry handling

This company’s mill-discharge (MD) pumps (photo) are robust and have been designed to operate reliably in highly abrasive environments, providing optimal solutions for each part of the concentrator plants of a minerals-processing facility. The MD pumps have been designed for…

A compact computer for entry-level IIoT applications

The BL2 BPC 1500 (photo) is a compact industrial PC (IPC) for rugged environments with limited space. This box IPC is designed for entry-level automation, small machine control and industrial internet of things (IIoT) applications, such as edge or fog…

A new generation of thermal mass flowmeters

The new Proline t-mass F/I 300/500 thermal mass flowmeters (photo) are reliable and versatile for measuring pure gases and gas mixtures, and each has numerous alarm functions, as well as bidirectional measurement capability and reverse flow detection. The flowmeters are…

New multigas detector measures in low-ppb range

The focus of the X-act 7000, in combination with the MicroTubes for different gases and vapors, is to measure carcinogenic and toxic substances in the lower parts-per-billion (ppb) range. The range of gases to be measured is being constantly expanded.…

Reduce costs with this transmitter-style GC

The Rosemount 700XA gas chromatograph (GC; photo) is said to be the industry’s first single-analyzer solution for measuring both sulfur compounds and the energy content of natural gas. The 700XA is a cost-effective approach to meet gas-quality and heating-value requirements…

Analyzer’s interface delivers high sensitivity for trace elements

The newest version of the Spectrogreen inductively coupled plasma, optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) analyzer (photo) features this company’s proven twin interface (TI). The TI automatically combines both axial and radial plasma views — looking both across the plasma and from…