Properly specifying process control valves for a plant project is critical to achieving efficient and effective processes. This one-page reference discusses key considerations for specifying control valves. Valve specification Process engineers should take the following aspects into consideration when specifying…
DetaPipe (photo) is a new high-performance clad-metal pipe product designed for use in corrosive, high-temperature processing environments. DetaPipe is produced using a proprietary process that joins corrosion-resistant alloys, such as zirconium and titanium, to lower-cost, base metals, such as carbon…
Vartech Industrial System Cleaner (ISC; photo) provides turbine operators with a non-solvent-based solution for removing varnish and sludge in turbine-oil systems. Vartech ISC can be added directly to oil during operation to clean varnish and sludge before a scheduled oil…
This company’s sanitary vertical blenders (photo) are engineered for rapid homogenization and drying in delicate applications under vacuum. The design avoids the destructive effects of heat on unstable ingredients, and it promotes vaporization at lower temperatures during gentle agitation while…
Flow Detective Plus (photo) is an electronic airflow-meter calibrator designed to measure the flow of air-sampling pumps to within 2% accuracy. It can calibrate within the airflow range of 20 to 5,000 mL/min to ensure correct flow. Compatible with this…
Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are a variation on the activated sludge process in wastewater treatment. This article provides an overview of SBRs, including their history, current use and future outlook Sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are a type of wastewater treatment…
ParallelPro (photo) is a leveling tool designed for chemical-vapor-deposition (CVD) processes, or any equipment requiring precise parallelism. Equipped with wireless communications and a field-serviceable battery pack, the ParallelPro measures offset distance, parallelism and temperature. Measurements are transmitted via Bluetooth to…
Branson MCX Series cleaners (photo) are ultrasonic systems purpose-built for cleaning plastics injection molds. They feature side-mounted, immersible transducers and powerful immersion heaters that can provide fast and efficient cleaning. Since most plastic injection molds are rectangular, with a lot…
This company’s line of multi-purpose pressure gages (photo) includes models designed for use with gas, oil, water and other media not corrosive to brass or bronze. There is also a dedicated device designed specifically for anhydrous ammonia applications. Gage options…
This practical guide provides information on proven backwash-tuning techniques that will improve the reliability and robustness of sand filters in water treatment applications Water is a fundamental part of virtually all plants in the chemical process industries (CPI). Examples of…