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Effective Contracting for a Pilot Plant

Contracting a pilot plant is a viable approach for any organization. However, it can be fraught with potential issues, which need to be understood and addressed in advance Reduced in-house resources have limited the options many organizations have for designing…

Member Exclusive

Improving a Thermal Loop: The Power Controller

Controlling the temperature of a process using a thermal loop is important in many applications. The importance of a power controller is discussed here For any process where temperature needs to be monitored or controlled, a thermal loop is required.…

Member Exclusive

Perfluorinated Ion-Exchange Membranes: Development and Application

Perfluorinated ion-exchange membranes are developing beyond legacy applications to find use in a wide variety of emerging markets, including renewable energy Ion-exchange membranes are used in numerous industrial processes, including seawater desalination, electrodialysis and the production of commodity chemicals via…

New pressure-feed vessels bring many benefits for ribbon blenders

This company’s ribbon blenders, which are custom-built for multi-phase mixing, now come with an optional pressure-feed vessel. Wherein minor liquid ingredients must be thoroughly blended into powder or other solids, a pressure-feed vessel enables 100% discharge of the liquid component…

Continuous measuring system for pure water streams

QuickTOCuv (photo) is a measuring device for continuous online determination of total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in pure water, such as condensate return and boiler feedwater. It is also…

Confidently detect leaks and map pipelines

The SmartBall platform (photo) is a free-swimming inspection tool used to detect leaks and gas pockets and map pipelines. The tool can be used in pressurized water and wastewater pipelines without disrupting regular service. It is a valuable addition to…

New balance enclosures provide enhanced containment

The VSE balance enclosure (photo) is offered in 24-, 36- and 48-in. widths to accommodate an analytical balance and other small-scale lab processes. The balance is constructed of chemical-resistant metal framing and¼-in.-thick clear acrylic side panels and viewing sash. Efficient…

A turboemulsifier system designed with hygiene in mind

The Pharma-Mek (photo) is a vacuum turboemulsifier suitable for processing liquid and creamy products, designed to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. The Pharma-Mek has been designed and developed following hygiene and cleaning design guidelines, in order to ensure…

New humidity sensors bring ultra-high accuracy

This company is launching two new versions of its SHT4x series of humidity sensors (photo). The ultra-high accuracy SHT41 and SHT45 versions are equipped with this company’s brand-new and optimized CMOSens chip that offers ultra-low power consumption. The CMOSens technology…

Use this filter in battery-chemical applications

The compact DM1000 polishing filter (photo) is particularly suitable for removing and recovering organic compounds and solids in small-stream feeds in battery chemicals processes. Thanks to its modular design, the filter is easy to expand also for larger process flows.…