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Thermal energy-storage system using phase-change materials

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, Ill.; have developed a thermal energy-storage system for industrial processes that can capture and store typically wasted heat for later use. Originally conceived as a way to store…

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Progress on a longer-lasting catalyst for coke-free CO2 reduction

One of the main problems in the conversion of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into liquid fuel or hydrogen is the development of coke- and sintering-resistant catalysts. Nickel on magnesium oxide (Ni/MgO) has long been identified as…

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This self-sustaining cell makes electrolysis more practical

A team of researchers from Idaho National Laboratory (INL; Idaho Falls; has developed a new electrode material that simplifies hydrogen generation and energy storage via protonic, ceramic electrochemical cells (PCECs). Conventional electrolysis technologies use electricity to efficiently split water,…

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Anti-fouling pre-treatment for membranes

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST; Seoul, South Korea; led by Seongpil Jeong have developed a pre-treatment method for membrane distillation desalination processes that involves adding magnesium to seawater to prevent scale formation (anti-fouling) on…

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An alternative crop for bioethanol

The Agave tequilana plant, which is native to Mexico and used to make the popular drink tequila, promises significant advantages over sugarcane and corn as a source of bioethanol. The Agave plant is now being grown as a biofuel source…

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Chementator Briefs

Biofertilizer + biogas Three new biofertilizer-biogas facilities will be built in the Zachodniopomorskie region of Poland. The plants are being built by Ductor Oy (Helsinki, Finland;, a Finnish-Swiss biotechnology company funded by Esperotia Investments Ltd. The plants will use…

Filtering out and detoxifying hexavalent chromium from water

Chemists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL; Switzerland; have developed “sponges” designed to capture various target substances, such as gold, mercury and lead, dissolved in solution. Now, they have developed one for capturing toxic hexavalent chromium…

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New process for safer and continuous magnesium production to be piloted

Because of its abundance, light weight and easy alloying, magnesium metal has great potential for components in the automotive, aerospace and military industries. However, the two existing magnesium production processes — the Pidgeon process from ore and electrolytic process from…

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A new trace-moisture analyzer harnesses the power of MOFs

The presence of moisture — even in very small amounts — can be extremely detrimental the manufacture of many products, including semiconductors. Removal of moisture from a contaminated process is a labor-intensive process that requires large volumes of high-purity gases.…

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Chementator Briefs

Light-emitting Si Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE; the Netherlands; have developed an alloy with silicon that can emit light. Together with researchers from the universities of Jena, Linz and Munich, the researchers combined silicon and germanium in…