The Chem-Feed CD1 (photo) is engineered to ensure almost no maintenance requirement for the life of the pump. CD1 is suitable for dosing with gas-forming chemicals, such as peracetic acid or sodium hypochlorite. The CD1 Dual Diaphragm Hyperlink Drive Technology…
Netilion Water Networks Insights (NWNI; photo) provides reliable monitoring of flow, pressure, temperature, level, water quality and other measurements. This software service connects all levels of water supply systems, empowering service providers and water associations to manage multiple control and…
Two new relay modules have been added to this company’s product range for hazardous areas in Zone 1. The series 9174 and 9177 (photo) relay modules enable a.c. and d.c. loads to be switched using the Ex e and Ex…
Automatic WIP-Systems (photo) provide a reliable and repeatable process for cleaning mixing systems — such as the Ploughshare Mixers — an important task especially in life-science applications. A smart arrangement of rotating cleaning nozzles inside the mixing drum ensures a…
The Pearlo 350 EAC underwater pelletizing system (photo) has a liquid-heated die plate for high capacities, delivering throughputs of 18,000 kg/h of virgin polymer. The unique cutting-blade design and optimum water- and material-flow conditions within the cutting chamber provide not…
A rigorous and structured approach to determining the potential value of powder testing techniques in solids-handling applications can improve powder characterization and processing Many chemical process industries (CPI) sectors face growing pressure to measure and control powder properties more effectively,…
Operational troubleshooting guidance is provided for several scenarios involving trapped non-condensable gases in distillation towers Non-condensable gases are often present in distillation towers, either expectedly or unexpectedly. When they do appear, or when the quantity of non-condensable gases varies from…
The Aseptomag LV leakage valve is a mixproof double-seat valve is designed for manufacturers of foods and beverages, as well as pharmaceutical products. Typical examples are products with an extended shelf life (ESL), such as soft drinks, fruit juices and…
Batch high-shear mixers equipped with the Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) Technology (photo) deliver powders in an efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids. In a conventional rotor/stator mixer, materials are continually drawn from below the mixing…
REconnect (photo) is a new a coupling device for simple and safe decoupling and recoupling of diaphragm seal systems, including process connections and measuring devices. REconnect consists of two parts — one fitted to the measuring device, the other to…