The Neles Q-Disc butterfly valve (photo) has a new high-performance feature to help with flow balancing in control valve applications. Q-Disc is specifically designed for control applications. One of its key benefits is that it helps to avoid oversized actuators…
Powtech 2022, a leading tradefair for powder and bulk solids processing and analytics, takes place from September 27–29 in Nuremberg, Germany. Visitors will experience the latest mechanical equipment and systems for the processing, analysis and handling of powder, granulate and…
The new X-Viz confined space monitoring system (photo) is a complete safety-monitoring system designed to meet OSHA requirements during plant turnarounds. By integrating gas detection, video monitoring, alarms and access control technologies, X-Viz allows fewer safety attendants to remotely monitor…
Specially developed for green forage pelleting, the 55-1500 pellet mill (photo) is designed to produce smaller and thinner pellets, as well as coarser grass cobs. The pan grinder rollers, measuring 450 to 550 mm, with a speed of only 2.5…
Testing not only illustrates proof of process and provides other critical assurances, but it also reveals the parameters necessary to reliably yield consistent results Drying is an integral tool in pretreating and finishing bulk solids, which helps producers to meet…
Henry Kister shares lessons learned from troubleshooting distillation towers Following a distillation conference hosted by a simulation vendor, the delegates were transported by bus to a venue where the simulation vendor hosted a delicious barbecue. A gentleman sitting next to…
To meet bold sustainability targets, new burner technologies and control configurations are being developed to help significantly reduce NOx emissions Many industry-leading businesses have set bold sustainability goals for emissions reduction and energy efficiency driven by factors such as climate…
Information provided here offers a basic primer on the features and functions of dryer types, with a focus on fluidized-bed dryers, for moisture control in industrial operations The ability to control the moisture of solid materials while drying plays a…
This company has optimized its existing induration technology, offering and launched its Compact-sized Pellet Plant (photo). The plant design is based on a 3-m wide indurating machine, building on the state-of-the-art design of the company’s larger (4-m wide) product range.…
The biosolids granulator (photo) is a dry-on-demand system for the treatment of sewage sludge from municipal and industrial wastewater-treatment plants. It combines existing centrifuge-based dewatering with proven drying technology. This process, said to be unique in the world in this…