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Contact angle technology for wetting measurements in QC

With Ayríís (photo), this company has optimized the contact-angle method for quality assurance and developed the first solution for measuring the 3D contact angle. The instrument creates a virtual 3D model of the water drop dosed during the measurement and…

A next-generation system to reduce fire and gas hazards

The new HazardWatch FX-12 fire and gas system (photo) is designed to help process and plant engineers reduce hazard vulnerability while meeting demanding safety standards in hazardous industries, including oil-and-gas production, tanker loading and unloading, petrochemical refining and storage, pipelines…

These enclosures now feature more secure gaskets

Instead of traditional neoprene rope gasketing, new Foam-in-Place gaskets have been added to all product sizes in the Heartland series of polycarbonate and non-metallic electrical and industrial enclosures (photo). These gaskets provide full secure contact to the mating cover surface…

A compact flowmeter designed for tight equipment areas

The FS10i flowmeter series (photo) is designed to measure the flowrate of natural gas. The FS10i meter is accurate to±1.5% of reading,±0.5% of full scale, with repeatability of±0.5% of reading and has a response time of 4 s. Designed with…

Reusable shipping container for hazardous materials

Capsuloc (photo) is a new reusable shipping container for transporting flammable liquids. Made of hard plastic and featuring a twist-on lid, Capsuloc is a lighter, safer and more convenient alternative to traditional metal “paint can” secondary-containment packaging used for hazardous…

A smaller AODD model is added to this pump product range

The extensive range of Finnish Thompson FTI air-operated double diaphragm (AODD) pumps has recently been expanded with the addition of a new 0.25-in. non-metallic model, the FT025 (photo), available in polypropylene, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and conductive polypropylene for use in…

Efficient cooling of die-cast components with hotspots

Demanding die-cast components, such as structural components in the automotive sector (megacastings), place special requirements on the temperature control, in particular on the cooling of so-called hotspots. The jetPulse system (photo) offers a reliable and economical solution for cooling such…

Achieve fast, high-resolution detection with this spectrometer

The EDX-7200 energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (photo) is equipped with a high-resolution silicon drift detector (SDD) to achieve a higher count rate and detection efficiency than its predecessor models. Along with the SDD, the EDX-7200 incorporates a high-speed circuit that…

An analyzer for materials-control analysis

The SpectroMAXx LMX10 arc/spark optical emission spectrometry (OES) analyzer (photo) performs fast, accurate, advanced elemental analysis in metal-producing and fabricating plants, as well as iron and non-ferrous foundries. The LMX10 OES is said to deliver outstanding repeatability, reproducibility and reliability…

This conveying system is stable and reliable

The E-finity (photo) is a patented, continuous dense-phase conveyor system for fragile materials. Precise pressure monitoring and airflow corrections allow the system to operate efficiently under all conditions, while gently inducing materials through the convey line in slug form. E-finity…