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Equipment for H2 Service

Pressure-measuring devices for hydrogen Hydrogen is considered a difficult medium because its particularly small molecules can penetrate even stainless steel and also damage a material’s structure, causing embrittlement or cracks. It is therefore extremely important that measuring devices for H2…

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Engineering duckweed to increase oil production

Scientists at the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL; Upton, N.Y.; and collaborators at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL; Laurel Hollow, N.Y.; have genetically engineered a strain of duckweed (Lemna japonica) to produce high yields of…

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Managing Fouling in Heat Exchangers

Fouling of heat exchanger surfaces reduces thermal efficiency. An improved understanding of fouling and the design factors that affect it can help ensure that heat exchange occurs during normal operating conditions Using tubular heat exchangers is an efficient and reliable…

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Valves: Essential Workhorses

Concise tips on selecting the right valve A typical chemical plant contains miles of piping and hundreds, if not thousands, of industrial valves (Figure 1) that are essential for the plant to operate efficiently and safely. Unlike the simple consumer…

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Toward the Production of Safer Chemicals

A new protocol for safer chemical design is helping to overcome gaps in ‘traditional’ toxicology and improve upon federal regulations for endocrine-disrupting chemicals Research over the past two decades shows clearly that some chemicals manufactured for product functionality can have…

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Polymer-based Piping Systems: Meeting the Challenges of the CPI

Due to favorable properties, such as light weight and corrosion resistance, plastic-piping systems are suitable for a growing number of applications Over the past few decades, plastic-piping systems have been adopted in many different sectors of the chemical process industries…

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Sputtering process enables production of large, iridium-lean MEAs

Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis uses a membrane-electrode assembly (MEA) that integrates the electrolyte membrane and electrode (diagram). Large-scale hydrogen conversion of electricity requires a large number of MEAs, which is a drawback for scaleup, because the MEA relies on…

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Another step towards ‘green’ steel

Last month, Metso Outotec Corp. (Helsinki, Finland; introduced NextGen Pelletizing — a visionary concept for the next generation of iron-ore pelletizing plants that strive to be carbon neutral and autonomous. According to the company, the combination of innovations —…

Reducing the Noise from Control Valves

Attenuation for high-noise control valves need not be difficult or expensive The world does not lack for noise. It pummels us from all sides, emanating from traffic, political commercials, and your annoying neighbor’s backyard party. Industrial plants have their share…

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Business News: November 2022

Plant Watch Covestro breaks ground in Antwerp for new aniline plant October 12, 2022 — Covestro AG (Leverkusen, Germany; broke ground in Antwerp, Belgium for a new world-scale production facility for the manufacture of aniline. Covestro is investing more…