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Solar-powered water extraction from atmospheric air

A first-of-its-kind pilot project in Abu Dhabi is integrating large-scale atmospheric water generation (AWG) with solar-thermal energy storage to enable carbon-free production of water. Led by partners AQUOVUM LLC (Dover, Del.;, Masdar Clean Energy ( and Khalifa University of…

Increasing recovery of metals from refractory mine tailings

EnviroGold Global Ltd. (Toronto, Ont., Canada; has filed a patent application for a proprietary electrochemical process designed to achieve advanced metal recoveries from refractory ores with reduced capital expenditures (capex) compared to industry standard solutions. “The residual metals contained…

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Vanadium recovery from steel slag scales up

A hydrometallurgical process for recovering vanadium from slag, a byproduct of steelmaking, has been significantly scaled up. Previously deployed at mini-pilot and bench scales, the process, developed by Neometals Ltd. (West Perth, Australia;, has now been expanded by a…

An integrated thermochemical process makes advanced biofuels from biomass

Bionext and its partners — a consortium of six industrial companies — have successfully completed the test program on BioTfueL demonstration units, setting the stage for commercialization of the thermochemical process that makes low-carbon-footprint sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and other…

Chementator briefs [September 2021]

Automated synthesis One of the most modern infrastructures for automated process control in chemistry is being built by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; together with BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany; The facility will initially produce new substances in…

Sustainable mining of raw materials from thermal springs

According to statistics from the World Bank, thousands of tons of valuable minerals are imported to Germany from Chile every year, including raw materials for lithium-ion batteries. But their extraction causes ecological and social problems. “The use of the limited…

A project to further develop solar-thermal-energy storage technology

Synhelion S.A. (Lugano, Switzerland; and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa; Dübendorf; are conducting a joint research project, co-funded by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse, to further develop a high-temperature energy-storage technology that is…

Low-energy hydrogenation without H2 gas

Hydrogenation is an important reaction in many sectors of the chemical process industries (CPI), but H2 gas is not only expensive, its use requires considerable safety measures to prevent explosions. Significant cost savings could be achieved if hydrogenations did not…

Chementator briefs

Toxicology testing The world’s first toxicology-testing strategy without animal testing has been approved by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD; Paris, France; The testing strategy consists of three so-called alternative methods. They can be used to predict…

Piloting a process that makes hydrogen and carbon from methane

Next year, construction will begin on an industrial-scale pilot plant to further develop a new process that decomposes methane into H2 and carbon. The process uses a thermo-catalytic decomposition (TCD) technology developed by Hycamite TCD Technologies Oy (Kokkola, Finland;…