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Member Exclusive

Mining REEs from phosphogypsum

Last month, the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State; University Park, Pa.;, Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland Ohio; and Clemson University (S.C.; received a $1.7-million National Science Foundation grant for a four-year project to recover rare earth elements…

Member Exclusive

Recovering REEs from unconventional sources

In October, researchers from Penn State and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL; Calif.; described — in an article published in ACS Central Science — a new method that improves the extraction and separation of rare earth elements (REEs)…

Waste-based ceramics improve energy-storage economics

Ceramic materials’ high heat resistance makes them a promising media for thermal energy storage, but their high costs have inhibited their widespread use for this application. Now, a new technology offered by Seramic Materials Ltd. (Masdar City, U.A.E.; can…

A new spin on ultrasonic algae control in wastewater-treatment applications

Ultrasound treatment is a non-chemical method to control algae using specific sound frequencies emitted through water to cause internal damage to polluting algae cells. Most previous work in the area of ultrasonic algae control has focused on very loud emitted…

Structured catalyst improves efficiency and hydrogen yields in steam methane reforming

Commissioning has begun on a pilot plant designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of a structured catalyst module for steam-methane reforming (SMR) that solves the main heat-transfer inefficiencies associated with the conventional process. The structured catalyst technology improves the efficiency of…

Member Exclusive

This steam-methane reforming technology has higher efficiency

A collaboration between Clariant Catalysts (Munich, Germany; and Technip Energies N.V. (Zoetermeer, the Netherlands; has led to steam-methane reforming (SMR) SMR technology that is said to achieve higher throughput and heat recovery in SMR. Technip Energies’ Enhanced Annular…

Member Exclusive

Chemenator Briefs

Flow Battery Honeywell Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.; introduced a new flow-battery technology that employs a proprietary electrolyte to provide reliable extended-duration energy storage — up to 12 h compared to lithium-ion batteries’ (LIBs) 4 h. “The flow battery uses a…

Member Exclusive

Zero-liquid-discharge project to recover products from brine

HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd. (Watford, U.K.; was recently awarded an order for the design, manufacture and installation of a mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) evaporation system for LIFE Desirows ( — a three-year, €1.6-million project funded under the E.U.’s LIFE19…

Member Exclusive

New catalyst technology for methanol synthesis boosts production and extends lifetimes

Newly launched catalyst technology, developed through a collaboration between Clariant (Muttenz, Switzerland; and Air Liquide Engineering & Construction (Frankfurt am Main, Germany; and designed for methanol (MeOH) production, is capable of boosting cumulative MeOH yields by up to…

Chementator Briefs

ODH Catalyst Clariant Catalyts (Munich; has teamed up with Linde Engineering (Pullach im Isartal, both Germany; to develop new catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODH-E), a low-emissions catalytic technology for the production of ethylene. The new…