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A smart way to detect spills and leaks

The SpillGuard leak-recognition system (photo) instantly alerts users when a leak is detected. This FM-approved technology is placed within the sump of a spill-containment device, or near the equipment to be monitored, and alerts users with an audible and visual…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Air-Moving Equipment for Pneumatic Conveying

In a typical bulk-solids pneumatic-conveying system, an air mover is used to generate the necessary air flowrate and pressure required to transport a solid material through a pipeline at a given rate. This one-page reference discusses the operating mechanisms and…

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Non-Invasive Temperature Measurement in the CPI

While thermowells have become well-established, they have potential drawbacks that can affect their performance. The benefits of alternative non-invasive temperature sensing is presented here Temperature is one of the most important parameters for industrial processes, providing a key indicator of…

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Temperature: The Most Misunderstood Process Variable

Measuring temperature is required in nearly all chemical processes, but engineers often struggle with implementation. Here are suggestions to avoid common pitfalls Measuring temperature in chemical processing applications remains, arguably, the most misunderstood of the four main process variables, which…

Reducing Soil-Side Corrosion in Aboveground Storage Tanks

Potential maintenance and repair cost savings are significant when employing vapor corrosion inhibitors either as a standalone mitigation technique, or as a complement to conventional cathodic protection methods, in aboveground storage tanks Mitigation of external corrosion on the bottoms of…

A new optimizer tool for wet electrostatic precipitators

This company has launched a digital optimizer for the Editube wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP). The new WESP Optimizer improves the operation of the WESP unit by better adjusting it to changes in the overall process, and has important built-in functions…

Optimize boiler performance with these new air-gas flowmeters

The MT100 Series multipoint mass flowmeter (photo) provides air-gas flow measurements to help optimize boiler performance and reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse-gas emissions. These devices feature compact thermal-dispersion flow-sensor technology. They accurately monitor and report the flowrate or the totalized…

This liquid analyzer is now high-temperature certified

This company has received TEX, IECEx, and UKEx certifications for its IRmadillo process analyzer (photo) for use in high-temperature liquid processes up to 220°C (428°F). These Ex certifications rate an analytical instrument as safe for use in hazardous environments, including…

A new series of water sensors for nitrates and nitrites

The NT3100sc and the NT3200sc ultraviolet (UV) nitrate and nitrite sensors (photo) are designed with enhanced accuracy and a lower limit of detection at 0.02 mg/L. Leveraging reagent-free UV absorbance technology, NT3 Series sensors are equipped to meet a wide…

This mixer features a new injection-manifold technology

Designed with efficiency and mobility in mind, the Model HSM-405SC-25 inline high-shear mixer (photo) features the Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology. The SLIM technology is a unique rotor-stator device capable of injecting powders directly into a fast-moving liquid stream without…