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Low-profile enclosures provide maximum mounting space

PolySlim low-profile enclosures (photo) accommodate existing panel designs, eliminate unneeded depth and material, optimize installations and save space. The low-profile design of PolySlim enclosures makes them suitable for use on building exteriors and in tight spaces. They protect equipment in…

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The Next Generation of Overpressure Protection

Overpressure protection is at the center of process safety across all chemical processing sectors. As processes and technologies evolve, it is essential that safety systems can adapt to provide the utmost levels of protection All over the chemical process industries…

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A new electrolyzer system makes propane from CO2

Electrolyzers are typically associated with the production of “green” hydrogen from water and renewable electricity, but a new device borrows from traditional electrolyzer principles to convert CO2 into propane.  A team of researchers from the Electrochemical Energy Materials and Devices…

Comprehensive solutions for level measurement

Vibration limit switches reliably detect the fill level of liquids at all times. With Vibracon LVL-M3 and -M4 (photo), this company offers two new series of vibration limit switches that can be used worldwide in hazardous areas due to ATEX…

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Methane Reforming: Solving the Hydrogen Blues

Improved catalysts and reconfigured reformer designs make steam-methane reforming the most scalable, industry-ready source of ‘blue’ H2 For many decades, steam-methane reforming (SMR) has been, and still is, the technology of choice for the large-scale production of synthesis gas (syngas;…

New two-level terminals for 4-mm2; cross-sections

This company has introduced new space-saving two-level terminals for rated wire cross-sections up to 4 mm². The compact PRKD 4 terminal blocks and the corresponding PSLD 4 PE terminals (photo) are available with two or three ports per level and…

Optimize operational strategies with this flow-assurance software

Maximus 7.4 software (photo) is a multiphase flow tool that simulates thermohydraulic conditions to help improve design and operational capabilities for sustainable energy projects, including carbon-capture and storage (CCS) applications. Maximus 7.4 flow-assurance software is equipped with integrated production-modeling capabilities…

These pumps can handle challenging solid materials

The Vortex Series of pumps (photo) are designed for handling abrasive wastes. Using a recessed impeller design, the series combines the efficiency characteristics of a self-priming pump with the solids-handling capabilities of a chopper pump. This makes it suitable for…

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Chemenator Briefs

Carbon Capture Membrane Technology and Research, Inc. (MTR; Newark, Calif.; Carbon Capture announced it has commenced construction of a large pilot plant at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center (ITC) in Gillette, Wyoming. When operational in 2024, it will be…

Focus on Compressors, Fans & Blowers

Scroll compressors for sensitive work environments This company has re-issued its EO Series of scroll compressors (photo) and expanded its performance range to 30 kW. The EO Series is very popular in sensitive work environments, such as when there is…