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Bio-acrylonitrile Site selection is underway for a glycerol-to-acrylonitrile demonstration-scale plant that will enable the production of plant-based acrylonitrile (ACN). Trillium (Knoxville, Tenn.; is partnering with Zeton (Oakville, Ont.; to design and build the plant, known as Project Falcon.…

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A new heat-resistant membrane

Most polymeric membranes degrade during use, making them impractical for industrial separation processes. To solve this problem, researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo;, with cooperation for scientists at Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, have created…

The shortness of time . . .

As I get older, time seems to get shorter. Although many experience this feeling, the duration of time is not changing, only our perception of it. However, in the five decades I have been involved in science, the timescale at…

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Precise degradation control is key to advanced bioresorbable polymers

Bioresorbable polymers — those that degrade naturally over time and can be absorbed by the body — are essential for delivering a number of advanced biomedical technologies to patients, including long-acting injectable or implanted products, regenerative scaffolds, degradable medical devices,…

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Ultrathin films achieve record hydrogen separation

Scientists at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL; Switzerland; have synthesized the first ever metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) membrane with the thickness of just one unit cell. The ultrathin film yields record-high performance for the separation of hydrogen from nitrogen.…

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A single flow reactor produces a toxic precursor, an unstable reagent and product

The Vilsmeier reagent (VR), [(CH3)2 NCHCl]Cl, is necessary for producing a large range of pharmaceuticals, but it is unstable in air and is made from the toxic precursor phosgene (COCl2). A new flow-reactor system has been developed by Akihiko Tsuda,…

Facts At Your Fingertips: Wet and Dry Milling

Milling is a common technique for controlling particle-size distribution (PSD) in solid products through size reduction and surface modification. Broadly, mills can be categorized as wet or dry mills, and these two categories are each further subdivided by how comminution…

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The first H2-fired low-NOx burner for traveling-grate pelletizing plants

Last month, Metso Corp. (Espoo, Finland; introduced a hydrogen-variant of its Ferroflame LowNOx burners as part of its NextGen Pelletizing plant product range. It is a first-of-its-kind burner to run on H2 and to operate on the LowNOx combustion…

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Hydrogen Production via Methane Pyrolysis: An Overview of ‘Turquoise’ Hydrogen

‘Turquoise’ hydrogen processes generate H2 without releasing CO2. Presented here are the opportunities and challenges for producing hydrogen by methane pyrolysis Hydrogen-producing processes are classified using a color scheme according to their carbon footprint (Table 1; [1–3]). So-called “turquoise hydrogen”…

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Modular Construction Encourages New Applications

The efficiency and cost effectiveness of modularity provides advantages for small- and large-scale projects When the right conditions exist, the benefits of modular construction — from laboratory scale to large scale — are plentiful and allow single-source, cost-effective and efficient…