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A new milestone for durable fuel-cell membranes

For the first time, a hydrocarbon-based membrane has passed the performance and durability testing standards set by the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE; Washington, D.C.; for heavy-duty fuel-cell applications. Typically, membranes in fuel cells are made of perfluorinated materials…

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Converting waste polyolefins to isoalkanes

Chemical recycling of waste polyolefins is difficult to achieve economically partly because of the stability of carbon-carbon bonds in the plastics. In a new approach, researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL; Richland, Wash.; and the Technical University of…

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Electrolysis of seawater — without pre-treatment

Current electrolyzers for producing hydrogen use purified water as feedstock, but in the future, this could exacerbate freshwater shortages in some areas. Seawater is highly abundant, but the ions it contains undergo electrode side reactions, and cause corrosion in proton-exchange…

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Quinones power this flow battery

A new flow-battery design is based on quinones — a plentiful material historically derived from coal tar and used in dyestuff manufacturing — rather than traditional battery electrolytes. “Our feedstocks use no critical materials like lithium, cobalt or nickel, and…

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This coating boosts the efficiency of perovskite solar cells

Perovskite materials have great potential as a lightweight and low-cost option for solar panels, but in the past have not been seen as stable or durable enough for widespread use in large-scale solar-power installations. Now, a new coating developed by…

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Chementator briefs

ODC Technology Last month, Covestro AG (Leverkusen, Germany; started up a new world-scale facility for the production of chlorine in Tarragona, Spain. It is the first world-scale production plant for chlorine based upon the oxygen-depolarized cathode (ODC) technology invented…

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Perform dewatering, drying and cleaning of liquid waste in a single process

A recently commissioned, 150,000-ton/yr facility in Sumner, Wash. is the first wastewater-treatment plant to deploy a new liquid-waste treatment technology. Owned by Generate Upcycle (San Francisco, Calif.;, and operated in partnership with Sedron Technologies, LLC (Sedro-Woolley, Wash.;, the…

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Integrated capture and conversion of CO2 to methanol

Processes that capture carbon dioxide from industrial fluegas and simultaneously convert it into useful chemicals are desirable because they offer an opportunity to produce CO2-derived chemicals more efficiently and economically than conventional approaches, where costs are driven up by the…

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More sustainable curing technology for coil coatings

Coil coating is a continuous process for producing prepainted sheets of metal (steel or aluminum), which can then be fabricated into various building and other materials. Because organic coating materials are used, the process requires substantial energy for the curing…

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A new way to improve valve resiliency against flashing

Flashing occurs when the pressure of a fluid passing through a valve is lower than the same substance’s vapor pressure. This causes the fluid to boil — otherwise known as “flashing.” “By reducing flow capacity and eroding the valve itself,…