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Demo plant for high-yield biomass-to-gasoline process under construction

Construction of a demonstration plant has begun for a biomass-to-gasoline process that boosts biomass conversion efficiency in producing bio-gasoline. The demonstration, to be located at the Hillsborough, N.J. headquarters of Primus Green Energy (, is slated for completion in the…

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This distillation column promises substantial energy reductions

A new distillation system capable of reducing energy consumption by up to 50% compared to conventional columns has been developed by Toyo Engineering Corp. (Toyo; Chiba,, in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST;…

Waste disposal system for military operations

The Micro Auto Gasification System (MAGS) is a compact solid-waste disposal system that is designed for energy-efficient operation onboard naval vessels, in forward-operating military bases and in other isolated installations. Developed by the Office of Naval Research (ONR; Arlington, Va.;…

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Reforming ethanol into hydrogen

A group from the University of Canterbury (, and Industrial Research Ltd. (both Christchurch, New Zealand;, has produced hydrogen from ethanol via steam reforming in a non-thermal plasma reactor. The project is part of an Industrial Research concept called…

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Making biodiesel with SC methanol

A team from the School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Penang; has carried out a study for optimizing non-catalytic supercritical (SC) methanol extraction and transesterification of Jatropha curcas seeds to produce biodiesel fuel. Jatropha curcas is a species…

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First inline, direct measurement of wall shear

To date, determination of the shear forces exerted on vessel walls by moving fluids has required inferring the value from other measurements. Now Lenterra Inc. (Newark, N.J.; has introduced the first instrument capable of direct measurement of wall-shear forces…

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Modeling algorithm adjustment can improve equipment sizing

The Brinkman method is one of several approaches used to predict the effective viscosity of oil-water mixtures, and is effective in simulations when one or the other phase is dominant. However, a significant level of uncertainty exists in mixtures where…

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January Chementator briefs

  New cellulase enzyme Last month, Codexis, Inc. (Redwood City, Calif.; introduced the CodeXyme Cellulase enzyme product line for converting biomass to sugar. The company is in its final stages of customizing the enzymes with currrent partners, and plans…

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Commercialization is set for a new alkylation process

An improved sulfuric-acid alkylation process that reduces acid consumption by up to 50% from that of conventional processes will make its commercial debut in China. Developed by Lummus Technology, a CB&I company (The Woodlands, Tex.;, the technology will be…

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Detecting steam-trap leaks gets easier

Steam traps are designed to allow condensate, but not steam, to escape from a steam line. When they malfunction, however, numerous costly consequences can result including energy losses, insufficient heating to processes, maintenance issues and more. At its Global Users…