A recently launched, polymer-coated, fumed silica additive improves the performance of structural adhesives — those designed to bear loads. The new additive is capable of reducing the adhesive’s application viscosity, while simultaneously improving its ability to maintain a bead profile…
There might be as many categories of catalysts as there are chemical processing applications. And, no matter what the specialty or application, most catalyst producers are in a constant state of research and development in order to meet the demands…
Technology originally developed for dewatering algae has shown success in separating hydrocarbons from produced water that results from oil and gas drilling. The method could be used in treating produced water for onsite re-use as hydraulic fracturing fluid. To harvest…
ADN production Nylon-polymer producer Invista (Wichita, Kan.; www.invista.com) has developed new technology for the production of adiponitrile (ADN), a key ingredient for nylon 6,6. The advances, which came as a result of $40 million of R&D spending, can improve…
The research group of Masaru Ogura, an associate professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (www.u-tokyo.ac.jp), has clarified the degradation mechanism and the role potassium carbonate plays in the catalyst systems used for reducing soot from the…
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, Japan; www.mhi.co.jp) will begin developing basic technologies for a triple combined-cycle power-generation system that integrates solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and a gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) power generation system. Under the umbrella of the…
Theres a growing trend toward generating electricity from biogas (see pp. 15–17), but roughly half of the total energy content of the fuel is released as heat, which is dissipated into the atmosphere unused. To improve the overall efficiency, researchers…
The research groups of professor Yasuyuki Tsuji and assistant professor Tetsuaki Fujihara at Kyoto University (Japan; www.ehcc.kyoto-u.ac.jp) have developed a copper-catalyzed reaction for synthesizing carboxylic acids, such as acrylic acid, using carbon dioxide as a raw material. The reaction involves…
Metals recovery Dinnissen Process Technology B.V. (Sevenum, The Netherlands; www.dinnissen.nl) has developed a purpose-built system to recover valuable metals — such as chrome and molybdenum — from highly viscous residual waste from the petrochemical industry. Such waste, which is often…
At Achema 2012 (June 18–22; Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Union Engineering A/S (Fredericia, Denmark; www.union.dk) will be presenting its patented FlashCO2 process — both at the exhibition (Hall 9.1, Stand E29) and in a congress lecture (Monday, June 18th at…