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New catalysts for Baeyer-Villiger oxidation reactions

Kazuaki Ishihara and his group at Nagoya University (Japan; have established a new, environment friendly reaction technology — using Baeyer-Villiger oxidations — for selectively oxidizing ketones into esters. The reaction uses hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, and has potential…

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A little gold can reduce the Pt loading in fuel cells

A challenge in the development of polymer-electrolyte membrane fuel cells is the durability and electrocatalytic activity of platinum-based electrocatalysts. The sluggishness of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) causes the fuel cell performance to be limited by the cathodic reaction, and…

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Save energy (and more) with this hybrid compressor system for EOR

Last month, Lewa GmbH (Leonberg, Germany; and Burckhardt Compression AG (Winterthur, Switzerland; signed an agreement to commercialize hybrid compression systems for enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) applications. EOR — injecting high-pressure CO2 into oil wells to both reduce the crude oil’s…

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This fully functional Li-ion battery is flexible

A team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Kaist; Daejeon, South Korea: and Seoul National University ( led by Kaist’s professor Keon Jae Lee, claims to have developed the first prototype of a fully functional all-flexible…

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A nano cage made from a stack of benzenes

Professor Kenichoro Itami and his group at Nagoya University (synth.chem. have synthesized a cage-type carbon nano-molecule, Carbon Nano-cage, composed of 20 condensed benzene rings — C120H78. The group used a procedure it developed four years ago to synthesize carbon…

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A polymersome that releases its cargo where needed

Several drug delivery systems have been studied involving the encapsulation of molecules in a suitable structure and their transport through the human body. In particular, polymersomes — tiny hollow spheres that enclose a solution — formed using synthetic block copolymers…

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October Chementator Briefs

  Flexible aerogels Researchers at the NASA Glenn Research Center (Cleveland, Ohio; have developed new flexible aerogels that could eventually be used in highly insulating materials and linings. Aerogels, sometimes called “solid smoke,” are superlightweight structures of silica reinforced…

A cryogenic turbo mill generates rubber powder from recycled tires

A process developed by Lehigh Technologies (Lehigh; Tucker, Ga.; for embrittling and milling rubber from end-of-life vehicle-tire material is capable of generating micron-scale rubber particles that can be used in a host of rubber, foam and plastic products to…

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A concept for making gasoline from air

Air Fuel Synthesis Ltd. (AFS; Darlington, U.K.; has recently demonstrated a process for producing carbon-neutral liquid hydrocarbon (HC) fuel from air-captured carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The proof-of-concept demonstration facility, located at Teesside, England produces 5–10 L/d of liquid HCs.…

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This osmium-based catalyst is rendered nontoxic by polymer incarceration

Professor Shu Kobayashi and his research group at The School of Science, University of Tokyo (Japan; have developed an osmium-based catalyst for performing asymmetric syntheses of drug precursors. While showing the same catalytic performance of its predecessor — a…