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This smart gearbox detects fugitive emissions

This company is developing a smart gearbox designed with an extra function for leak detection. The patent-pending Fugitive Emission Detector Gearbox forms an integral part of the valve operation and is not an external measurement device. It accurately detects leakage…

Microscope for automatic filter-patch analysis as per ISO 4407

At Hanover Fair 2017, this company will introduce an optical microscope image-analyzing system designed to analyze fluids that can prove problematic for automatic particle counters, such as emulsions and dark fluids. The FastPatch 2 GO microscope system (photo) analyzes the…

Hygienic ball valves constructed from stainless steel

This company now offers its simple and robust hygienic ball valves with stainless-steel construction (photo), making them easy to flush and clean for compressed air, gases and liquids in the food processing industry. The ball valves were originally developed for…


This sump pump ensures unrestricted flow The Series 900 Industrial Vertical Immersion Vortex Sump Pump (photo), available for service in industrial and municipal applications, provides an unrestricted flow since the impeller is not in contact with the solids being pumped.…

Compact combustion monitor based on TDL technology

The LaserGas III CO combustion analyzer (photo) is an Ex-d certified tunable-diode-laser (TDL) carbon monoxide (CO) analyzer that also measures methane, water and temperature. Suitable for combustion processes where increased explosion safety is a requirement, this analyzer is said to…

Configuration software matches gearbox and motors

Partnering with Marathon Motors, Hub City and PARTSolutions, this company has created product-configuration software that allows design engineers to create and download perfectly matched gear-motor configurations. The software is available as a free download, and it provides automatic part-number generation,…

A smart HMI system for nonhazardous areas

The VisuNet GXP human machine interface (HMI) represents the new generation of intelligent “thin client” solutions — tailored to the special requirements of Industry 4.0. The VisuNet GXP with RM Shell 4.1 (photo) and innovative control center enables horizontal and…

This data-acquisition system is updated for EtherNet/IP

The Memograph M RSG45 Data Manager (photo), a data-acquisition system for small process-control applications, now features Ethernet/IP capability, providing a cost-effective way to integrate legacy 4–20-mA, RTD, thermocouple and HART-based instruments into a modern control system. The RSG45 can quickly…

A new tablet PC for use in hazardous areas

Agile X IS (photo) is a 10.1-in. tablet PC system that is certified to ATEX and IECEx for Zone 1/UL Class 1 Div 1. The robust, dust- and water-repellent device is suitable for various industries ranging from oil-and-gas to chemicals…

Air stripping for water decontamination

The E-Z Tray air stripper (photo) is a sliding-tray, stainless-steel air stripper used for removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated groundwater and waste streams. E-Z Tray’s design achieves high removal efficiencies in an easy-to-maintain process unit that is readily…