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Funnels for dispensing and pouring materials into containers

The new Falcon line of stainless-steel funnels (photo) are used for the fast, safe, and efficient pouring of materials into intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), drums plunger cans, spray bottles and other chemical containers. They are well-suited to guide the flow…

Show Preview: Weftec

This year’s Weftec technical exhibition and conference ( is taking place Sept. 30–Oct. 4 in Chicago, Ill. The event will highlight the newest technologies to address water- and wastewater-treatment challenges. This preview highlights a small selection of Weftec exhibitors.

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Reducing Emissions for Sustainable Manufacturing

Facilities can reduce emissions without major capital projects. Here are some practical ideas showing where to start People working in the air-pollution control industry used to boast that you can remove everything from fluegas except carbon dioxide, and it remains…

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Direct-air capture of CO2 via a liquid-based, low-temperature, thermochemical system

With global temperatures likely to rise beyond the 1.5°C target set by climate experts, negative emissions technologies — most notably direct air capture (DAC) — become increasingly important for addressing CO2 already in the atmosphere. A new DAC approach is…

Focus on Motors and Drives

On-point configuration for all requirements With the new Flender One platform, this company’s engineers have developed the world’s narrowest gear-ratio range, with 103 stages between 1 and 7.1 per size for applications that require particularly precise speed, such as pumps…

Show Preview: Powtech 2023

From September 26–28, the bulk solids and conveying technology industry will gather at the Nuremberg, Germany exhibition halls. Powtech 2023 is a leading trade fair for processing and bulk-solids technology, with exhibitors from a number of sectors of the chemical…

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Facts At Your Fingertips: Plant Cybersecurity Awareness

The expanding use of digitalization tools at chemical process industries (CPI) facilities, coupled with the ongoing convergence of operational technology (OT) systems with traditional computer information technology (IT) systems, has increased plant cybersecurity risks. All plant personnel play a role…

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Advances in Chlor-Alkali Technologies

The products of the chlor-alkali process continue to be essential for many purposes across the global value chain. Modern chlor-alkali technologies can vastly improve upon the safety and environmental performance of legacy systems The chlor-alkali production process is one of…

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Rotary Drum Maintenance

Follow these nine recommendations to establish a strong program for preventive maintenance of rotary drums in drying, cooling and other treatments of bulk solids Maximizing efficiency is increasingly a critical priority for plant managers, leading many to move away from…

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The Changing Face of Water Treatment

Modern solutions help processors achieve water-related goals in a more proactive, cost-effective way Although water reuse and recycling began as a necessity in regions where water scarcity was a significant challenge, the increasing cost of water coupled with aggressive sustainability…